Bibliotheca: Horror

This month’s Bibliotheca blog theme is horror! I really didn’t know what to write for this and while I got a lot of great ideas from my fellow Bibliotheca bloggers, I finally was inspired enough to write about something and I have decided to use this month’s theme to talk about spooky & Halloween meet up ideas!

Want to do something spooky, and Halloweeny with your comm? Need ideas of what to do? Read on for some of my tips for hosting a perfectly spooky meet up~

Pumpkin Patch – this one is kind of obvious, and definitely the most common. Take your comm to a local pumpkin patch. They often have hay rides, pumpkin shooting, corn mazes, and more! Some pumpkin patches even have fresh donuts and hot apple cider you and your comm can have while enjoying a crisp autumn day on the farm. Just beware! High heels are not a great choice for this type of meet up. Natural ground + autumn’s typical rain make for a bad time in lolita shoes.

Horror movie meet – have your lolita friends over to your house to watch horror movies! Or go see a horror movie together in theaters. If you opt to have people at your home you can make it a potluck and prepare/have your guests bring spooky themed snacks and food to your movie party. Here are some of my favorite Halloween themed treats: (open this image in a new tab to see it bigger!)

From Kathy Sanders’ Frightfully Fun Halloween Recipes. ISBN: 0-7853-4217-6

Crafting party – you can use your house or another venue to bring craft supplies and make spooky crafts together. The Dollar Tree has an abundance of Halloween items and craft supplies for you and your comm to have a lot of fun making decorations for your home or for your coordinate!

Photoshoot meets – what better time to whip out your spooky or gothic coords? Host a photoshoot meetup somewhere with interesting or old architecture in your area. This could make for some really great spooky photos. Many lolitas have Halloween themed dresses they like to break out this time of the year, and others are wearing gothic or dabbling in gothic so it’s a great chance to put together your spookiest look and get some fun creepy photos. Just remember to always be respectful in places like cemeteries, and double check their rules about photography.

Haunted houses – take your comm to a haunted house! Many people enjoy these types of places and like getting scared. This is a great group activity and there’s no real limit on how many of you can go. Just a reminder that depending on the haunted house, high heels may not be advisable.

Halloween tea party – maybe there is a tea house in your area doing a Halloween theme for October? Or maybe you wanna host your own? Tea parties are very easy to make spooky through the food, treats, and decorations. This year’s Kei Con had spooky themed desserts at their tea party. Halloween decorations for a tea party don’t have to be expensive either. Dollar Tree, Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and many other stores often carry really cute Halloween themed napkins, paper plates, serving bowls, etc that can really bring your tea party to life.

Haunted tours – many towns around the world have haunted houses, graveyards, or other buildings that offer tours with history lessons on the people who allegedly haunt the space now. This can be a really fun and cool activity for your comm, especially if you’re the type of group who love museums and other educational type meets.

Shopping meets – looking for a more chill meet with little planning? Go shopping. Shop for Halloween decorations, costume pieces, candy, etc. You can meet somewhere like Spirit Halloween or Home Goods and spend time checking out all the seasonal wares. This kind of meet up requires almost no planning or prep. Just pick a date, time, and location.

I think autumn has the most stuff to do out of the whole year. Other non-spooky autumn meets might include apple picking, harvest festivals, and wine tours. There are just so many options for getting in the Halloween spirit!
Someday, I really want to host a Halloween tea party, I just need to find the right venue.

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