2024 EGL Goals

Every year I discuss my goals for lolita fashion. In 2023 I had a few goals which I talked about here. But let’s revisit those goals and see what I did and did not meet:

Sell more
Buy nothing
Get into shape
Go to a meet with my sister near her home
Visit AP San Francisco

I can confidently say I failed in several of these. 
I sold very little in 2023, I have been and still am in the process of culling my accessories and jewelry but I have not actually sold much. I have several things to put on LM but it’s such a hassle.
I did not buy nothing. I bought several things, however I did reel in my spending quite a bit and mostly only bought small stuff.
I did improve my physical condition a lot this year. I still have a long way to go, but I am in a better place than I was. I no longer have daily knee pain so that’s great!

Go to a meet with my sister near her home? I did! In February I attended a Valentine’s tea party in Maryland with the Charm City Lolita comm and it was a great time. I would love to go to a meet with them again.

I did not make it to CA this year, I am anticipating going this coming autumn to celebrate Chuseok with my friend. So I may make my voyage to AP San Fran this year instead.

So what are my goals for 2024?

Get a dream dress
There are several dresses that have been sitting at the top of my WTB for WAY too long. I intend to do something about it
Clear out accessories
I have too much stuff. I have several accessories I have never even worn. Time to clear out
Overhaul shoes
I want to replace some of my shoes with more comfortable ones. Particularly my lavender heels and my yellow heels. I also need to get a pair of red shoes badly.
Replace items with more versatile ones
As a part of my accessory and jewelry demolition project, I want to replace some of those items with versatile staple ones so that I can have less overall stuff.
Get a plain black JSK
I cannot express how much a plain black JSK would solve all my lifes problems and I have been trying to decide on one for years. I am in love with the Wirehead Shop kuro shirring JSKs and I would love to get one of those.
Do more small meets in my local area
Driving to Rochester can be very expensive and time consuming. I don’t want to rely on my regional comm for my lolita time, so I want to do more small things close to home. Since I got a gorgeous tea set for Christmas from my Aunt, I already am planning several things in my head.
My local and regional comms are kinda dead? A lot of people have moved to other states, and very little have actually joined the comm so the number of active members is quite thin. I don’t know how to go about recruiting without bringing in weirdos or endangering the comm so I need to think about this one and discuss it with my comm to decide. But there are lolitas out there! I just found out someone I have followed on Instagram for three years, lives 35 minutes away from me! So there are people out there for me to recruit. It would be nice to get the comms really thriving again.
Learn to sew
I bought a sewing machine last spring and haven’t touched it since. I really wanna start learning to sew small things like headdresses. I would love to eventually make myself some cutsews. My mom knows how to sew so she is going to teach me.


I honestly think the hardest one is going to be getting that black JSK. Wirehead’s releases are consistently bloodbaths. Otherwise I think these are generally attainable. I am still working on improving my health and body condition, and I may go to AP San Fran this year too but I am not making those goals this year. I really want to slow down I guess. I have been so busy and spread so thin the last couple years that I have not been able to do things like learn to sew, or really any creative endeavors at all. I would like more time to relax and do things I enjoy in 2024. I think sticking closer to home for smaller meets will help with that. Of course I intend to go to meets with my regional comm, but maybe I don’t need to go to all of them.

What are your 2024 J-fashion/EGL goals?

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